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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Comment est-il ??

Salut mes amis.. À présent, je voudrais juste partager quelque chose.
Sur la créature.. o_0
Bon, lire!


A zombie is known as a undead creature, something that was dead but came back to life. Zombie is a term for the undead creature in the Voodoo belief system, the Creole and African-Carribean. Zombies are humans with a spirit that had been stolen in a supernatural way, and were employed as a slave who served the “zombie master” in the plantation areas. But now, we can see that zombies version have been outstanding in the horror fiction as the creature that like to eat humans and more sinister.

Je peux continuer?
Bien, je continue.. :P
Actually, I have some informations to you about it. I dunno why, I’m so interested with it. Lalalalala~
Whereas I’m worried because this is also a bit scary for me. Hmm, it’s ok.. Let’s see..

There are five scientific reasons a zombie apocalypse could actually happen:
Nanobots are a technology that science apparently engineered to make you terrified of the future. We're talking about microscopic, self-replicating robots that can invisbily build-or destroy-anything. Vast sums of money are being poured into nanotechnology. Sure, at some level scientists know nanobots will destroy mankind. They just can't resist seeing how it happens.

How it can result in zombies:
Scientists have already created a nano-cyborg, by fusing a tiny silicone chip to a virus. The first thing they found out is these cyborgs can still operate for up to a month after the death of the host. So, some day there will be nanobots in your brain. Those nanobots will be programmed to keep functioning after you die. The nanobots will be programmed to self-replicate, and the death of the host will mean the end of the nanobots.

You know all that conversy out there about stem cell research? Well, the whole thing with stem cells is that they can basically be used to re-generate dead cells. Particularly of interest to zombologists like ourselves is neurogenesis, the method by which they can re-grow dead brain tissue.

How it can result in zombies:
Science can pretty much save you from anything but brain death; they can swap out organs but when the brain turns to mush, you're gone. Right?
Well, not for long. They're already able to re-grow the brains of comatose head trauma patients until they wake up and walk around again.
this lab dedicated to "reanimation research" (yes, that's what they call it) explains how the process of "reanimating" a person creates a problem. It causes the brain to die off from the outside in. The outside being the cortex, the nice part of you that makes humans human. That just leaves the part that controls basic motor function and primitive instincts behind.

reanimation research
You don't need the cortex to survive; all you need is the stem and you'll still be able to mindlessly walk and eat and enjoy Grey's Anatomy. This is how chickens can keep walking around after they've been beheaded (including one case where the chicken lived for 18 months without a head).
So, you take a brain dead patient, use these techniques to re-grow the brain stem, and you now have a mindless body shambling around, no thoughts and no personality, nothing but a cloud of base instincts and impulses.

In the movie, it was a virus that turned human beings into mindless killing machines. In real life, we have a series of brain disorders that do the same thing. They were never contagious, of course. But it can be transmitted with a bite to become a zombie.. Rawrrrrrrr......

There are certain kinds of poisons that slow your bodily functions to the point that you'll be considered dead, even to a doctor (okay, maybe not to a good doctor). The poison from fugu (Japanese blowfish) can do this.
The victims can then be brought back under the effects of a drug like datura stramonium (or other chemicals called alkaloids) that leave them in a trance-like state with no memory, but still able to perform simple tasks like eating, sleeping, moaning and shambling around with their arms outstretched.

What are they?
Parasites that turn victims into mindless, zombie-like slaves are fairly common in nature. There's one called toxoplasmosa gondii that seems to devote its entire existence to being terrifying.

WOW, Science has proven it.....
Be careful, everybody.. :O
And I have one more,

Enjoy it, guys !! ~(˘˘~) ~˘)~ (~˘˘)~

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