Bienvenue ! I'm happy visits my blog, and I hope for the next visiting.. Merci d'avance :)

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. about me .

this is me . just an ordinary girl . I was born with an amazing name, Ayunda Sri Wahyuningrum and Alhamdulillah had a good condition until now.. please call me Ayunda, Ayu, Ayyayy, Ayy or whatever that it is proper for me to hear.. may be only it that I can describe to you.. no more.. just wanna say, nice to know you all.. :)

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

À la vôtre \(^▼^)/

huaaaaaaaaaa that's really fantastic day !!
\(‾‾\) \(´`)/ (/‾‾)/

remember these pictures ?? uyeeeaaahh , we're in Yogyakarta , guys !!
having sunday morning and doing funny activities .. hihi :D
lemme tell you~
we're from BORI team .. unique name , you know !! exactly~
but that's very happy to know that we're joined in the funniest team ..
Did you know ? that were Okta , Hafsah , Ia , Bella , Afifah , Desya , Asri , and Me .. ^^b
it's been a real fun . yuhhuuuuu~~
lot of laughs , lot of fun , excitement , foolishness , but hey , we're the winner, guys .. yeaayy !!
 ~(˘▼˘~) ~(˘▼˘)~ (~˘▼˘)~

thanks for you all , my BORI team .. hahahaha
I miss that moment !! we're fabulous ..
merci beaucoup mes amis ^^


Je t'aime !

Salut , qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
Tu me manques .. ^^

Ehm , I love these moments , the time which I can say that I miss you so bad ..
I love the way you're next to me ..
as if I can have everything in the world .. woooww ^^
ah , amazing , you know!!
that feeling is really marvellous ..
God has given it to us ..

please, stay by my side, because you mean so much to me.. :*

teach me about everything or we can learn together ..
guide me till the end ..
oui , n'importe quand, n'importe où

-thank God for everything-

Monday, January 28, 2013

Je vous remercie

Here we are!! \(^▼^)/

On December 29th 2012, we spent our leisure time together.
Actually, we had 14 volunteers there, but 2 volunteers from us were not coming.
Lemme introduce them. There are Hafsah, Puput, Ia, Me, Asri, Dian, Luthfi, Akmal, Izza, Sandy, Nida, and Syifa.. And we still have Bella & Saget.. :)

 + +
 We are one of volunteers in our organization. Our area is about information and communication.

We gathered at that time for sharing and evaluating. Our time was short, some had to leave the position, that’s called as regeneration. Yapp..but it’s ok. We had to go ahead so that prepared it all before.

We are going to support, try to help each other. We hope everything the best. For the organization, for our department itself, for mathematics of state university of Jakarta.
Don’t worry, be happy guys.. we are around you !!
À la vôtre !
Courage !! (^▼^)

Merci beaucoup mes amis.. :)


. status .

octobre, l'arc en ciel, wow!!

. my shoutbox .

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<a href=>Zawa Clocks</a>

. translate .